Danielle Smelter

Danielle Smelter Show Your Colours 2019 digital video (installation image)
Epiphora is a rhetorical term for the repetition of a word or phrase at the end of successive clauses.
In medicine, it refers to an overflow of tears onto the face. 

Epiphora: on visualising invisibility is a practice led research project undertaken in fulfilment of a Master of Arts (Photography). 
Epiphora harnesses lens-based media and exhibition practices toward visualising personal experience of cumulative structural and psychological pressures upon the individual. Through the personal, I seek to interrogate and signal broader structural challenges in addressing the private in public.
Exhibited and/or performed as my final outcome in the exhibition Conjunction at Trocadero Art Space in 2019, these works encompass the core research loci underpinning the project. The Repeating House draws the tangental elements represented under Public/Private elsewhere on this site into the central themes of repetition, flow, contagion and capacity.

Danielle Smelter 
Him 2019 digital video 11.49min 
Us digital video 11.49min 
Installation view Trocadero Art Space 2019
Danielle Smelter Honey Honey 2019 digital video 7.17min (still)
Danielle Smelter Bound 2019 digital video 8.48min (still)
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